Objective 3.1: Harmonious neighbourly relations through cooperation
Project's overall objective is the provision of training and competition opportunities for young people
in swimming, mass promotion of swimming, development of cross-border swimming contacts,
training of coaches, introduction of diving in Serbia by transferring the experience of Makó.
Project facilitate the cooperation especially between the sport organizations from Hungary and
Rövidítés: SWIMab
A projekt címe: Swimming across the border
Projektazonosító: HUSRB/23S/31/006
Elkülönített forrásösszeg: EUR 206 948.20
Európai Uniós hozzájárulás (IPA): EUR 175 905.97
A projekt kezdete: 01 július 2024
A projekt zárása: 31 december 2025
Vezető kedvezményezett: Zentai Úszó Klub (RS)
Egyéb partnerek:
P1: Makói Úszó Klub Sportegyesület (HU)
Provision of training and competition opportunities for young people in swimming, mass promotion of swimming, development of cross-border swimming contacts, training of coaches, introduction of diving in Serbia by transferring the experience of Makó.
Project facilitate the cooperation especially between the sport organizations from Hungary and Serbia. Through swimming related activities and events we bring together the potential participants and the inhabitants from the border area and provide more publicity to the region, by the way promoting sport and societal issues.
The sports events to be organized during the project just as well as the exchange of experience between the participants and water sports enthusiasts on both sides of the border will serve the existence of a sustainable strong, and long lasting relationship. The joint trainings, competitions will provide excellent opportunities for all ages most likely for the junior talents and will be open to all
who are interested.
Two sport clubs will cooperate across the border and they intend to continue their cooperation after the project completion. The established partnership will serve this purpose.
The expected number of people, direct participants who will be involved in joint swimming events is at least 400, while after the project completion 60 participations will have been on the organized joint event.
At project level 30 swimmers will participate in development activities.
Partners will organize 5 swimming events where attendees from both club will participate. 90 persons are planned to participate at 9 joint project events. Outputs and results are connected to each other and lead to achieve the project goal. The professional sustainability is emphasized by the development and extension of the project. After the project closure the partners will keep developing their activities thus their institutional background is assured. Project outputs and results will remain sustainable after the closure of implementation period. The acquired theoretical and practical sporting knowledge will be applied in sport teams during their future functioning. These will further develop the competition abilities of team members. Project will provide accessible quality sport-education, will be accessible to target group, other participants and interested from other parts of country and /or countries. For insuring the further durability of the project it will offer swimming practicing possibilities for the surrounding communities too