Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism

Crossroads of Architectural Significance: Transnational Learning and Exploration of Vojvodina and South Great Plain Built Heritage

The project aims to promote, preserve, and valorise the cultural and historical values of castles and fortresses in Hungary-Serbia cross-border region. It enhances tourism, raises heritage awareness among young generations, and fosters CB cooperation through educational materials, training, digital solutions, and audio-visual content production.

Basic Data:

Rövidítés: CASTLE

A projekt címe: Crossroads of Architectural Significance: Transnational Learning and Exploration of Vojvodina and South Great Plain Built Heritage

Projektazonosító: HUSRB/23R/22/062

Elkülönített forrásösszeg: EUR 289 497.90

Európai Uniós hozzájárulás (IPA): EUR 246 073.21

A projekt kezdete: 01 július 2024

A projekt zárása: 28 február 2026

Vezető kedvezményezett: Dél-Alföldi Eurotender, Ifjúsági, Kulturális, Oktatási és Környezetvédelmi Egyesület

Egyéb partnerek: 

P1: Udruženje građana – Filmska radionica “Cinema”


Email: fuggzs@gmail.com

Project Description:

CASTLE project is a collaborative effort between Serbian and Hungarian organisations aimed at promoting and preserving the cultural and historical values of castles and fortresses in the Banat region of Vojvodina, Serbia and the Csongrád-Csanád and Bács-Kiskun counties of Hungary. 
The project will use different mediums to make the cultural heritage accessible and engaging to a wide audience. An educational toolkit will be developed and introduced in schools across both regions. Teachers will receive specialised training to use these resources effectively in their classrooms. To further engage young people, a week-long training session will be organised on both sides where they can acquire skills in local history research, writing, photography, and videography. Lastly, the project includes a digital aspect - a website and a mobile application providing practical information, advice, and visual content for tourists interested in visiting these sites. 

(Expected) Results:

  • Comprehensive assessment report on the tourist potential of castles and fortresses in the cross-border region
  • The joint strategy of a cross-border tourist route development
  • Mobile application
  • Website
  • Short films
  • Curriculum, program and educational material development
  • Trilingual booklet of local stories
  • Catalogue featuring selected castles and fortresses in the cross-border region
  • Project brochure
  • Training for educators
  • Youth Training about photography, film and history writing
  • Historical Storytelling Competition