Objective 1.2: Biodiversity and reduced pollution

MInimizing CROssborder water contamination of microPLASTICS

MICROPLASTICS project focuses on preserving nature in the CBC area by identifying the sources of pollution and reducing the level of the water ecosystem pollution by microplastics. In order to do so, the project aims at establishing effective partnership for protection and preservation of nature. The project will directly contribute to Programme objective in enhancing protection, preservation of Nature and reducing the microplastics pollution within the wider programme area. This will be achieved through a specific set of outcomes. Firstly, by determining the extent and amount of microplastics pollution within the water  ecosystems (river, canals and wastewater treatment facilities) and identifying the sources of pollution within the CBC region, including protected locations Gornje Podunavlje, Begečka jama, nature park Gemenc, Riha oxbow lake. After the identification a regional system for measuring and monitoring of microplastics will be established and recommendations for increasing the efficiency of measures to protect nature and the
environment will be developed. Furthermore, within the pilot action project partners will be designing and testing the filtration solution for wastewater treatment facilities and identifying the waste water treatment facilities in the region for potential replication of project outcomes in the future. Finally, engaging school children, public officials, experts and the general public in educational and awareness raising activities the project will contribute to environmental awareness and therefore reduce water and soil pollution and deterioration of natural habitats.

Basic Data:


A projekt címe: MInimizing CROssborder water contamination of microPLASTICS

Projektazonosító: HUSRB/23R/12/089

Elkülönített forrásösszeg: EUR 1 372 328.40

Európai Uniós hozzájárulás (IPA): EUR 1 166 479.14

A projekt kezdete: 01 július 2024

A projekt zárása: 30 június 2026

Vezető kedvezményezett: Institute of public health of Vojvodina (RS)

Egyéb partnerek: 

P1: Public health institute Sombor (RS)
P2: Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem (HU)
P3: The European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (RS)


Email: sanja.bijelovic@izjzv.org.rs

Project Description:

The MICROPLASTICS project focuses on reducing water pollution from microplastics and protecting natural habitats in the cross-border area. By identifying pollution sources and measuring contamination levels in ecosystems (rivers, canals, and wastewater treatment plants), the project aims to set up a monitoring system and create recommendations for enhanced water and environmental protection. Sites of interest include Gornje Podunavlje, Begečka Jama, the Gemenc Nature Park, and Riha Oxbow Lake. Pilot actions will design and test filtration solutions for wastewater treatment, with the goal of replicating successful results across the region. Additionally, school children, public officials, experts, and the general public will participate in awareness-raising activities, helping to promote environmental responsibility and reduce microplastic contamination in water and soil.


(Expected) Results:

A set of outcomes is planned for achieving the project goal.

First outcome will result in an implemented project and achieved communication objective, this way ensuring long term cooperation between partners and efficient capitalization of all the project results.

Second outcome will result in enabled partner organisations/public experts to collect and process acquired samples. Acquired equipment necessary for collecting and processing of the open surface water, wastewater, and sediments samples, will result in conducted measurements finally resulting in developed protocols for future activities in monitoring of water ecosystem pollution on microplastics. Procured equipment, developed protocols and educated personnel/public health experts will ensure the sustainability of the result after the project ends while the partner organisations will use these results within their daily operations benefiting the community in the long term.

Third outcome will result in implemented pilot action with developed adequate method on filtration of waste water and developed scalable filter for 2 wastewater treatment plants in the CBC area with the measurement on efficiency of applied solution. This will be followed by mapped wastewater treatment plants in the CBC area. Durability of result is within using the filters after the project ends benefiting the community and nature while the measurements and mapping will ensure sustainability as it will provide new research knowledge and potential for replication of the pilot action results.

Fourth outcome will result in raised awareness and educated target groups, namely school children, public officials, enviro NGOs and the general public on the scope of microplastic pollution in the CBC area, but also on the negative impact that microplastics pollution has on nature. Educated target groups will ensure the durability of results while developed
educational/informational material and ICT platform will exploit results continuously.