Objective 1.1: Climate change adaptation, risk prevention

Alternative Responses to Climate Change Adaptation for Small-Scale Producers Focusing on Complex Economic, Environmental and Social Approach Through the Entire Value Chain

The ARCCHAD project proposes an innovative, multi-stakeholder approach to address climate change issues. It aims to support small-scale farmers with alternative solutions, such as modern technologies, diversifying activities, forming collaborative communities, or raising stakeholder awareness.

Basic Data:

Acronym: ARCCHAD

Project Title: Alternative Responses to Climate Change Adaptation for Small-Scale Producers Focusing on Complex Economic, Environmental and Social Approach Through the Entire Value Chain

Project ID: HUSRB/23R/11/008

Total Project budget: EUR 323 378.00

EU contribution (IPA): EUR 274 871.30

Start Date: 01 June 2024

End Date: 31 May 2026

Lead Partner: CDDA Central Danube Development Agency Nonprofit Ltd. (HU)

Other Partners: 

P1: National Association of Interest Representations for Small-scale Producers and
Service Providers (HU)

P2: Association of Gardeners Senta (SRB)

P3: University Business Academy in Novi Sad (SRB)


Email: info@kdmfu.hu

Project Description:

The ARCCHAD project tackles the challenges that climate change poses to the most vulnerable participants in agriculture. Small-scale farming, deeply rooted in historical knowledge and traditional horticultural practices, prevails on both sides of the border. Family-run farms play vital roles in sustaining rural areas. However, their traditional farming methods and marketing strategies are no longer effective, as they grapple with the adverse impacts of climate change. The lack of awareness about technological, social, and market advancements on both sides of the border underscores the need for cross-border initiatives. ARCCHAD proposes an innovative, multi-stakeholder approach.

 The primary target groups experience similar issues in both countries, and the proposed solutions are equally applicable to them. The main target group comprises small-scale farmers, who are the direct beneficiaries of the project. Awareness-raising activities also target consumers/citizens in the border area. Other stakeholder organizations are also actively involved.

(Expected) Results:

Three major outcomes of the ARCCHAD projects are:

  • Pilot action - testing of agro-digital tools on two Hungarian and two Serbian pilot farms, which includes the following actions:
    1) Setting-up pilot farms 
    2) Mapping of existing and adaptable digital, eco-friendly tools and materials
    3) Advanced understanding of small-scale farmers' needs
    4) Digital agriculture knowledge generation
    5) Implementation and demonstration of innovative activities on pilot farms 
  • Innovative solutions - introduction of innovative value-chain methodologies for the alternative food system through jointly developed and implemented actions, including:
    1) Territorial local food system study in the shade of climate change
    2) Handbooks for small-scale farmers on how to create new short chains models which can reflect on climate change market challenges (on the spot, catering, transfer point)
    3) Designing jointly training materials for farmers to improve their social and economic resilience by supplementary farming activities
    4) Experimental farming - development of training material and delivering trainings
  • Upscaling knowledge from pilots to participants in the value chain:
    1) Development of educational contents about the market and social innovation possibilities (solidarity-based)
    2) Summarizing the project results - development and production of learning video 
    3) Organizing EXPO for small-scale farmers