
Overview of the contracted projects within each Call for Proposals of the Interreg VI-A IPA Hungary-Serbia Programme

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 1.1: Climate change adaptation, risk prevention


Be Aware of the Problem - Be Part of the Solution! - HUSRB/23S/11/048

The project aims to raise awareness of general public about the causes and consequences of the climate change, increase their capacities through education and by promoting the transition to a climate-neutral economy and a society resistant to climate change, in order to improve the wellbeing of people, the economy and the environment. 

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 1.1: Climate change adaptation, risk prevention


Alternative Responses to Climate Change Adaptation for Small-Scale Producers Focusing on Complex Economic, Environmental and Social Approach Through the Entire Value Chain - HUSRB/23R/11/008

The ARCCHAD project proposes an innovative, multi-stakeholder approach to address climate change issues. It aims to support small-scale farmers with alternative solutions, such as modern technologies, diversifying activities, forming collaborative communities, or raising stakeholder awareness.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 1.1: Climate change adaptation, risk prevention


Joint Adaptation and Mitigation Measures to Climate Change Supporting Integrated Water Management on the Tisa River - HUSRB/23R/11/006

The ADAPTisa project aims to develop an Integrated Water Management Platform for the Tisa River using innovative tools and enhancing communication and cooperation among water and disaster management stakeholders to adapt to weather extremes and mitigate hydrological risks.


1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.1: Education and lifelong learning

Feeding Future

Feeding the Future: Empowering Food Science Professionals through Lifelong Learning for Bridging Borders - HUSRB/23R/21/046

In accordance with the need for lifelong learning, the Feeding Future project focuses to the development of direct trainings through a complete educational program and work-based training for our main target groups: students and inspiring entrepreneurs. 

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 1.2: Biodiversity and reduced pollution


Developing Sustainable Solutions for the Restoration of Local Ecosystems Through Pioneer Use of Discharged Thermal Waters - HUSRB/23S/12/020

The SPArrow project aims to sustainably revitalize the soda lakes and pans in the cross-border Homokhátság region. By using renewable thermal water resources, we will restore these unique, vulnerable habitats and enhance biodiversity, ensuring a sustainable future for this precious ecosystem.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism


Dance Concept for Touristic Purposes - HUSRB/23S/22/045

The DanceTour project revitalizes tourism with a dynamic campaign featuring films, social media, a film festival, and youth camps. Showcasing Serbian and Hungarian folk dances, it unites cultures, enhances cross-border cooperation, and highlights the region's rich heritage, making it a vibrant destination.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism


Future Of The Past - Learning from our Culture for a Sustainable Future - HUSRB/23R/22/065

To explore and share knowledge from past experiences and traditions supporting sustainability, involving a wider audience on both sides of the border. To pass on seemingly forgotten knowledge to future generations in an entertaining way as a folk cultural asset.