Call for proposals

The Interreg VI-A IPA Hungary Serbia has published the documentation and opened its 1st CfP. You can check here what are the priorities and objectives of the Programme, if your non-profit organisation is an eligible applicant and many other important details.

Overview of the published Call for Proposals

Get familiar with the indicative total funds available, scales of projects, priorities and objectives, submission process and deadlines within the CfP’s. The 1st Call for Proposals is closed, please check the NEWS section for results.

Timeframe of future calls:

The launch of the 2nd CfP will be decided by the MC in due time, but it is roughly projected to second part of 2025 for the entire remaining allocation and for all priorities.

1st Call for Proposals FAQ

1st Call for Proposals




Programme and financing source:
Interreg VI-A IPA Hungary-Serbia Programme (the Programme) approved by EC decision C(2022) 7444 on 14 October 2022.

Programme area: 
On the Hungarian side the programme area covers the following counties:

  • Csongrád-Csanád vármegye,
  • Bács-Kiskun vármegye.

On the Serbian side the programme area covers the following regions: 

  • West Bačka (Zapadnobački upravni okrug),
  • North Bačka (Severnobački upravni okrug),
  • North Banat (Severnobanatski upravni okrug),
  • South Bačka (Južnobački upravni okrug),
  • Middle Banat (Srednjobanatski upravni okrug),
  • South Banat (Južnobanatski upravni okrug),
  • Srem (Sremski upravni okrug).

Eligible Applicants:
The following organisations are eligible to apply for the funding allocated to the Programme:

  • public authorities,
  • bodies governed by public law,
  • as a general rule non-profit organisations governed by private law.  

For a detailed description of eligible applicants, please consult Chapter 2 of the Guidelines for applicants (GfA).

Indicative total funds available, scales of projects and Priorities and Objectives open: 
The indicative amount of 40.05 million EUR is available for this call for proposals. 

The Programme will support projects of different scales. The Applications submitted to different categories will be separately assessed. The scales are defined as follows:

  • Small-scale projects (marked with SSP) are above or equal to 70 and below 200 thousand Euros,
  • Regular-scale projects (RSP) are above or equal to 200 thousand and below 2 million Euros and
  • Large-scale projects (LSP) are above or equal to 2 million Euros. 

The below table shows the indicative distribution of the total available EU amount between the priorities and objectives within the present call, also specifying the indicative EU contribution available per project scales.


Priority  Objective     SSP 

1. A greener region

1.1 Climate change adaptation, risk prevention 400 000 3 000 000 4 123 636 7 523 636
1.2 Biodiversity and reduced pollution 500 000 2 500 000 0 3 000 000

2. Enhancing the human
and cultural values

2.1 Education and lifelong learning 700 000 3 000 000 3 157 159 6 857 159
2.2 Culture and tourism 600 000 5 000 000 12 664 432 18 264 432

3. Cross-border institutional and civil cooperation

3.1 Harmonious neighbourly relations through cooperation 2 200 000 2 200 000 0 4 400 000
Total 4 400 000 15 700 000 19 945 227 40 045 227


For the indicative list of activities and their detailed descriptions for each of the priorities and objectives, please read Chapter 1.4 of the GfA.

Co-financing rate:
On project level, the EU contribution (IPA) is up to 85% of the total eligible expenditure. The remaining 15% will be financed from national sources. Please note, that the sources of funding differ in case of partners from Hungary and from Serbia as described in Chapter 8 of the GfA. Once the Lead Beneficiary concludes the Subsidy Contract with the managing authority an advance in an amount of maximum 15% of the total IPA allocation of a project will automatically be granted. 

Selection of projects:
The description of the assessment, selection and contracting process can be found in Chapter 12 of the GfA.


The APPLICATION PACKAGE for the 1st CfP is comprised of the following documents:

  • Guidelines for Applicants – the basic document of the application package; holds all the most important information and details regarding the call for proposals. 
  • Annex I: Declaration by the applicants – a general declaration obligatory for all applicants. 
  • Annex II: De minimis declaration by the applicants – a declaration regarding De minimis obligatory for all applicants
  • Annex III: Eligibility of expenditures – a document that defines the eligibility rules of expenditures for applicants - also includes Procurement rules as Appendix B. 
  • Annex IV: Indicator guide – a detailed explanation of programme-level indicators. 
  • Annex V: Visibility manual – a manual describing Programme’s brand standards, requirements and rules of usage of its elements. The Visibility manual also contains description of cost options for info and publicity packages. 
  • Annex VI: User manuals of the INTERREG+Application modules  – a detailed description of the way to submit the application within the INTERREG+ system - two manuals, one for LSP Concept note and the other for full application module (for SSP, RSP and full application of LSP). 

The package also contains annexes that are not necessary for the application process but will be necessary at the contracting phase:

  • Draft Subsidy Contract for EU Contribution (includes General Terms and Conditions)
  • Draft Partnership Agreement

All the listed documents are available for download, here.





In the application period, Applicants from both sides of the border may ask for information, guidance and clarification from the designated contact persons of the JS and the JS Antenna by phone or via e-mail. Personal consultations are provided only at pre-arranged appointments at the given office hours.



Joint secretariat of the Interreg VI-A IPA Hungary-Serbia 
Széchenyi Programme Office Limited Liability Company 
H-1053 Budapest, Szép utca 2., 4.em

Office hours - For personal consultations 

Monday and Wednesday: 9.00-12.00 and 13.30-16.00 

We can accept phone calls:
Monday to Thursday: 9.00-16.00, 
and on Fridays: 9.00-14.00.

Contact persons:
Ms Andrea Szeti-Furka (in Budapest) - tel: +36 1 457 55 96 (ENG / HU)
Ms Olivera Tanacković (in Budapest) - tel: +36 1 457 55 58 (ENG / SRB)
Mr Halász János (in Budapest) - tel: +36 1 457 55 69, +36 62 549 372 (ENG / HU)
Pre-arranged personal consultations are also possible in Szeged on Wednesdays.



JS Antenna of the Interreg VI-A IPA Hungary-Serbia 
Subotica, Matije Korvina 17 (HKPC Galleria, 1 floor) 
+381 (0) 24 55 97 97

Contact persons:
Mr Relja Burzan, e-mail: (ENG / SRB)
Mr Dejan Vujinović, e-mail: (ENG / HU / SRB)


NOTE: Questions may be asked over the phone. However, if you prefer to receive a written answer, written questions should be sent (e-mail) not later than 7 calendar days before the deadline of submission. 



16 May 2023 @ 10:00 CET - Novi Sad, Serbia - Master Centar, Hajduk Veljkova 11, 2100 Novi Sad

17 May 2023 @ 10:00 CET - Kanjiža, Serbia - Opština Kanjiža, Glavni Trg 1, 24420 Kanjiža

18 May 2023 @ 11:00 CET - Baja, Hungary - Turisztikai Központ, Petőfi sziget 11, 6500 Baja

19 May 2023 @ 10:00 CET - Szeged, Hungary - Hotel Novotel, Maros u. 1, 6721 Szeged

Please, find the InfoDays presentations at the download section.



Applications and supporting documents must be submitted electronically via INTERREG+ system on the following link:

NOTE: Potential applicants can start the application process, however, the submission of applications will only be possible after the INFO DAYS.

When you start filling in the application form, please consult the Manual of the INTERREG+ Application available on our download section.

The language of application shall be English

For full list of supporting documents to be submitted please read Chapter 11.4 of the GfA.

Within the 1st call for proposals two different types of procedures will be available: one for the submission of Large-scale projects and one for the Small-scale and Regular-Scale projects. 

a)    For LSP, the applicants should first submit a Large-scale project Concept notes (LSP Concept notes) via the INTERREG+ system. The LSP Concept notes are assessed, the Monitoring committee of the programme then decides which applicants are invited to submit a full application form via the INTERREG+ system. 
b)    For RSP and SSP, the applicants submit a full application form via the INTERREG+ system.





Small-scale projects, Regular-scale projects

The Applications for SSP and RSP must be submitted online via the Application Module of INTERREG+ by 31 July 2023, 15:00 local time (Central European Time). Applications submitted after the given deadline will be considered formally non-compliant and will not be considered further.


Large-scale projects

The Concept Note for LSP must be submitted online via the Application Module of INTERREG+ by 8 June 2023, 15:00 local time (Central European Time). Applications submitted after the given deadline will be considered formally non-compliant and will not be considered further. 

The Full Application for LSP must be submitted online via the Application Module of INTERREG+ by 11 March 2024, 15:00 local time (Central European Time). Applications submitted after the given deadline will be considered formally non-compliant and will not be considered further.





Official launch of the 1st Call for Proposals - application module accessible in INTERREG+ system.
(All applications: SSP, RSP, LSP Concept note)
4 May 2023
Information to LP on the results of the formal assessment October/November 2023
Notification to LP on the result of the assessment and request for documents necessary for contracting from March 2024
Signature of the Subsidy Contract for EU Contribution from March 2024



Deadline for submission of applications for SSP and RSP 31 July 2023 15:00


Deadline for submission of LSP Concept notes 8 June 2023 15:00
Deadline for submission of only LSP full application 11 March2024 15:00





As per MC decission on 27 February 2024:
HUSRB VI-A 1stCall Results RSP SSP