Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism
The MOSAIC project fosters contemporary arts in the Hungarian-Serbian region through artist residencies, professional workshops, joint performances, and cultural events. It strengthens regional identity, promotes new media skills, and encourages collaboration, enhancing cultural competencies and sustainable artistic promotion.
Acronym: MOSAIC
Project Title: Transnational Cultural Mosaic: Unifying Global Expressions
Project ID: HUSRB/23R/22/059
Total Project budget: EUR 308 271.44
EU contribution (IPA): EUR 262 030.72
Start Date: 01 December 2024
End Date: 31 July 2026
Lead Partner: City of Novi Sad - City Administration Office for Culture (RS)
Other Partners:
P1: Bartók Béla Művészeti Kart Támogató Alapítvány (HU)
P2: “Novi Sad - European Capital of Culture” Foundation (RS)
Email: creativedistrict.novisad@gmail.com
The MOSAIC project promotes cultural institutions and the sustainable development of contemporary arts in the Hungarian-Serbian cross-border region. By connecting artists and communities through residencies, performances, and shared experiences, the project fosters cultural competencies and artistic innovation while strengthening regional identity. Key activities include four two-week residencies for 16 artists, eight professional workshops for artists and staff, and two joint transnational audiovisual performances. Panel discussions, art talks, and a digital art symposium will encourage dialogue on contemporary art, new media, and cultural diversity. The outcomes will integrate new skills, tools, and knowledge into cultural practices, contributing to the region's cultural enrichment and strengthening cross-border collaboration.
(Expected) Results:- 16 artists (8 from each country) will participate in two-week residencies.
- Artists will gain hands-on experience with new media equipment in Serbia and audio tools in Hungary.
- 8 workshops (4 in each country) for artists and staff from 14 cultural organizations in Novi Sad and Szeged.
- Enhanced skills in new media tools and contemporary artistic methods.
- 2 joint transnational performances in Novi Sad (January and September) and 1 in Szeged during the summer.
- Integration of various art forms showcasing project results.
- Events to foster dialogue on contemporary art, new media, and cultural diversity.
- A platform for discussing digital technology’s impact on arts and culture, engaging artists, scholars, and the public.
- Sharing project outcomes with broader audiences to promote cultural heritage and integration into future initiatives.