Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism

Transznacionális kulturális mozaik: Egységes globális kifejezések

MOSAIC project aims to foster institutions/organisations dealing with culture and sustainable promotion of contemporary arts in the Hungarian-Serbian cross-border region. By engaging artists and local communities in shared experiences, residencies, and performances, the project aims to build cultural competencies and stimulate ongoing dialogue and artistic innovation.

The  project directly contributes to the programme-specific objectives in the followingways:

- Promoting Cross-Border Community Building and Strengthening Regional Identity
- Enhancing Joint Heritage Management of Shared Elements

- Enrichment of Creative Sectors in Diverse and Remote Locations

- Improvement and Utilization of Cultural Sites

 The project assembles a unique cultural collaboration - an exceptional blend of tangible and intangible elements, amenities, services, and activities.

Basic Data:

Rövidítés: MOSAIC

A projekt címe: Transznacionális kulturális mozaik: Egységes globális kifejezések

Projektazonosító: HUSRB/23R/22/059

Elkülönített forrásösszeg: EUR 308 271.44

Európai Uniós hozzájárulás (IPA): EUR 262 030.72

A projekt kezdete: 01 december 2024

A projekt zárása: 31 július 2026

Vezető kedvezményezett: City of Novi Sad - City Administration Office for Culture (RS)

Egyéb partnerek: 

P1: Bartók Béla Művészeti Kart Támogató Alapítvány (HU)
P2: “Novi Sad - European Capital of Culture” Foundation (RS)


Email: creativedistrict.novisad@gmail.com

Project Description:

MOSAIC project aims to foster institutions/organisations dealing with culture and sustainable promotion of contemporary arts in the Hungarian-Serbian cross-border region. By engaging artists and local communities in shared experiences, residencies, and performances, the project aims to build cultural competencies and stimulate ongoing dialogue and artistic innovation.

The  project directly contributes to the programme-specific objectives in the following ways:

Promoting Cross-Border Community Building and Strengthening Regional Identity
Enhancing Joint Heritage Management of Shared Elements

Enrichment of Creative Sectors in Diverse and Remote LocationsImprovement and Utilization of Cultural Sites

 The project assembles a unique cultural collaboration - an exceptional blend of tangible and intangible elements, amenities, services, and activities.

The project focuses on several activities:

Artistic Exchange program: We'll host four two-week artist residencies, accommodating eight artists from Hungary and Serbia. The artists will have an immersive cultural experience in the host city, inspiring their creating artistic content on new media equipment with the final goal of sustainable promotion of contemporary arts.

Opening and Closing Conferences: The project will be introduced with an opening conference in Hungary and closed with a conference in Serbia, encouraging dialogue and reflection on the project's impacts and outcomes.

Professional Development Training for Artists: The program will include professional workshops and training sessions for artists to gain skills and insights into new media. The training will coincide with the residencies, ensuring a direct application of learned skills.

Professional Development Training for Staff
: Similarly, our staff and staff of all 14 cultural organizations and local artists will undergo the same training, facilitating knowledge transfer and capacity-building within our organisations.

Transnational Audiovisual Performance: The project will culminate in a grand joint performance in both countries utilizing new media equipment. Artists will showcase their works in a hybrid format, resulting from the cultural exchange, integrating different art forms.

Panel Discussions and Art Talks: To facilitate broader discourse, we'll host two-panel discussions focusing on contemporary art, new media, and cultural diversity. These will be digitally recorded and made available to the public.
Digital Art Symposium: A symposium will be held to discuss the role and impact of digital technologies on arts and culture, attracting artists, scholars, and the public for knowledge exchange.



(Expected) Results:

Expected Results:

Artistic exchanges: The project will sponsor 16 artists, with equal representation from each country, for two-week residencies. The artists will learn how to use new media equipment in Serbia and will have access to the audio equipment in Hungary.
Professional Development Workshops and Training for Artists and Staff: The project will conduct 8 workshops, equally distributed between the two countries. These workshops are intended to equip artists and the staff of all 14 cultural institutions in Novi Sad and those of Szeged with new skills and perspectives on new media equipment

Transnational Audiovisual Performances: The project will support joint performances, one during Docek in January and the other during Kaleidoscop of Culture in September in Novi Sad. The one in Szeged will be organized during the summer These performances will showcase the integration of various art forms explored throughout the project's duration.

Panel Discussions and Art Talks: Discussions will be organised to stimulate dialogue on contemporary art, new media, and cultural diversity.

Digital Art Symposium: This event will serve as a platform to discuss the impact of digital technologies on arts and culture.

The outcomes will be capitalized upon by disseminating the cultural products to a wider audience, utilizing them to promote the region's cultural heritage, and integrating them into ongoing and future cultural initiatives.