Objective 1.1: Climate change adaptation, risk prevention
Natural phenomena occurring as a consequence of climate change (e.g. heat island effect, flash floods, biodiversity loss) increasingly affect people living in urban environments. This puts a strain on municipal resources and also threatens the safety of life & property. Local authorities therefore have a key role in enhancing the settlements’ climate resilience to improve the life quality of their citizens. Nature-based solutions (NBS) could play an important role in this fight, but the potential for greening municipal investments via ecological approaches is still hardly known among the border region's municipalities.
Rövidítés: NBS 4 Cities
A projekt címe: Nature-based solutions for greening urban public spaces to widen access to ecosystem services and improve the climate adaptation capacity of local governments of the border area
Projektazonosító: HUSRB/23R/11/019
Elkülönített forrásösszeg: EUR 1 716 807.96
Európai Uniós hozzájárulás (IPA): EUR 1 459 286.75
A projekt kezdete: 01 június 2024
A projekt zárása: 31 május 206
Vezető kedvezményezett: Csongrád Városi Önkormányzat (HU)
Egyéb partnerek:
P1: Szentes Város Önkormányzata (HU)
P2: Topolya Önkormányzata (RS)
P3 Kishegyes Önkormányzata (RS)
The project’s overall goal is to widen access to ecosystem services in the border area by creating healthier, more liveable and climate resilient urban environment via greening of municipal investments and expanding green public spaces through the widest possible use of nature-based solutions. The project therefore implements NBS-based pilots of green public space investments and improves the climate adaptation capacity of local governments through knowledge sharing & public awareness-raising.
(Expected) Results:Outputs:
-4 implemented pilots with NBS, educational tools & content to improve organisational capabilities and public climate awareness:
o Csongrád: 883 m2 of renewed green community area and 159 m2 NBS exhibition space;
o Szentes: 2386 m2 of revitalised riverbank with an educational trail;
o Bačka Topola: 58271 m2 of rehabilitated urban park with an educational trail;
o Mali Iđoš: 3 energy-efficient buildings with solar panels & demonstration tools, 1 educational garden, 585 m2
-1 joint methodological guide on NBS and good practices for greening municipal investments, with a case study collection of pilots;
-4 municipal knowledge transfer events to present the results of pilots, best practices, and to support cross-border networking of cities (~340 persons):
o 1 joint NBS conference;
o 1 joint study tour (2 events);
o 1 field visit with a workshop.
-18 educational programmes to improve climate awareness of the population (~525 persons).
-Increased range of ecosystem services available;
-Improvement in the liveability of the urban environment;
-Increased capacities of municipalities in the context of climate change;
-Improved climate awareness of the population.
The project will revitalise existing facilities: community spaces will be integrated into the life of the local community, and in the long term will become places of recreation and leisure for residents. The green renewal of under-utilised spaces in poor condition will create sustainable infrastructure at low cost.
Educational materials & tools will be made available free of charge by the partner municipalities after the project closure, using their own resources.
Good practices can be widely adapted and scaled up within and beyond the programme area.
Building on the project results, the partners intend to prepare new cooperative initiatives for national or international calls for proposals (e.g. New European Bauhaus Award). This will further strengthen cooperation between organisations.