Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism
OPTI-BIKE 3 develops sustainable cross-border cycling tourism in the HU-SRB region by constructing over 5 km of new routes, connecting EuroVelo 13, and creating a tourism brand. Activities include service points, festivals, a mobile app, and a promo film, promoting eco-tourism, cultural heritage, and healthy lifestyles.
Rövidítés: OPTI-BIKE 3
A projekt címe: Joint development of cross-border cycling tourism along EuroVelo 13
Projektazonosító: HUSRB/23R/22/067
Elkülönített forrásösszeg: EUR 2 348 999.64
Európai Uniós hozzájárulás (IPA): EUR 1,996,649.69
A projekt kezdete: 01 szeptember 2024
A projekt zárása: 31 augusztus 2026
Vezető kedvezményezett: City of Subotica, Serbia
Egyéb partnerek:
Local government of Tompa, Hungary
Email: ler@subotica.ls.gov.rs
EuroVelo 13 stretches from the northern European coasts to the Black Sea and passes through the border between Serbia and Hungary. The route passes through roads that connect the partners in the OPTI-BIKE 3 project, i.e. Subotica in Serbia and Tompa in Hungary.
This project aims to simplify and speed up transportation by bicycle, as well as to provide additional tourist facilities in the north of Vojvodina and in Bács-Kiskun County in Hungary.
The goal of the project will be achieved by:
• 4,226 meters of bicycle paths will be built on the territory of the City of Subotica (2,827 meters on the Szeged road in Bački Vinogradi and 1,399 meters on the Kanjiški road in Palić), as well as one bicycle bridge at the exit from Hajdukovo. One bicycle stop with an interactive board, three service points for cyclists and two bicycle counters will be installed. In parallel, a mobile application for cyclists will be created with data on the tourist offer of the region.
• In Tompa, 1,553 meters of bicycle paths will be built along regional road number 53. One bicycle stop with an interactive board, two service points for cyclists and two bicycle counters will also be installed.
Expected outputs, results; durability, sustainability and capitalization of results
Cycling is one of the most sustainable tourism forms. It is an eco-friendly transport mode, positively affecting the greenhouse emission in the border region, which is a considerable issue due to the
massive car-traffic and long waiting periods at the border crossings. Cycling has positive mental and physical health benefits for tourists, as well as for local population. Also, tourism is an endless
product; capitalization concerns revenue generated by visitors, and the positive effect on the country’s economy. Revenue enters the bloodstream of the economy and in the meantime
generates more income, consequently, multiplying. As a result, cycling tourism improves the economic indicators and income for local service providers. The completed market and capacity
research of service providers will be useful for future initiatives. The created brand and tourism product is a 1st step in developing more cycling tourism products in the future. The constructed
bicycle paths, and supportive services, will also continue to generate results in the long term. Additionally to EV13, the project will enable access to European metropols, as by 2025, a highspeed
railway between Belgrade and Budapest will be built that will pass through Subotica, making the city the most important railway junction in Vojvodina. Cyclists from all over Europe, Budapest,
Belgrade and Novi Sad will be able to travel to Subotica by train in a matter of few hours. Bike rental will also be available if needed.
RESULT1: Tourism product focusing on cross-border bicycle tourism along EV13
OUTPUTS: Market analysis and data collection, OPTI BIKE cycling tourism brand and product
RESULT2: Joint marketing management of OPTI BIKE tourism product.
OUTPUTS: Mobile application, Bicycle Pit Stops with Interactive Boards(2), Service points(5), Info
Boards(5), Tourist counters(4), Festivals(2), Cross-border Cycling Tour.
RESULT3: Improved cross-border bicycle road network,
OUTPUTS: Constructed bicycle route in HU and SRB.