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Our programme has started the completion round for the applications of the 1st Call for Proposals for Small-Scale and Regular-Scale projects! The deadline for submitting missing or corrected documents within the INTERREG+ system is 11 September 2023.
The completion round for the applications of the 1st Call for Proposals for Small-Scale and Regular-Scale projects has begun! Those partnerships that submitted administratively not acceptable documents, or failed to submit a document that is required by the rules of the call, have an opportunity to complete their application in this round. Applicants that need to make a completion have already recieved e-mails today, on 01 September 2023, to do so. The completion must be submitted within the INTERREG+ system by uploading missing or corrected documents. Only those applicants received such an e-mail need to do a completion.
Please note, that within INTERREG+ the submission of the completion is concluded when you click on SUBMIT.