
Overview of the contracted projects within each Call for Proposals of the Interreg VI-A IPA Hungary-Serbia Programme.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 3.1: Harmonious neighbourly relations through cooperation


Rowing for a Healthy Lifestyle and Enhanced Cross-Border Cooperation - HUSRB/23S/31/031

ROWLE promotes rowing as a tool for health and cross-border cooperation. Over 12 months, it will engage youth (6-17) and seniors (40+) in joint training, camps, and competitions in Hungary and Serbia. The project ensures inclusivity, gender equality, and expert-led sessions, strengthening regional partnerships and awareness of rowing’s benefits.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism


Incredible Destination Events Part 2 - HUSRB/23R/22/068

Using creative industries and innovative tools, IDE 2 project will increase the tourist offer, visibility and attractiveness of Novi Sad and The Ópusztaszer National Heritage Park by inviting young people and music fans to gain a new experience in EXIT Museum and discover new events - Sunset Picnic.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.1: Education and lifelong learning


Cooperation in the field of healthcare practical training and public health education in the region of Baja and Sombor - HUSRB/23R/21/045

The project enhances practice-oriented health education in the Baja-Sombor region, offering lifelong learning for healthcare professionals and expanding public health services, including for disadvantaged citizens. Key activities include a Skill-Labor, a Health Development Office, specialized training, and Public Health Education Forums.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism


Sacred Journeys: Religious Digital Exploration in Serbian-Hungarian Borderlands - HUSRB/23S/22/029

JOURNEY project aims to amplify the Serbian-Hungarian border region's rich religious and cultural heritage by documenting religious holidays tied to holy places and churches and presenting this information through a phone application and a website. These platforms aim to promote religious tourism, foster intercultural understanding, and enhance the human and cultural values of the region.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 1.1: Climate change adaptation, risk prevention


Transnational Awareness & Revitalization through Green Engagement Together - HUSRB/23R/11/061

The TARGET project aims to enhance environmental awareness, foster climate change adaptation and risk prevention, and promote the importance of trees in our ecosystem among the youth in Hungary and Serbia. The project seeks to achieve this by developing an educational curriculum, organizing youth exchange programs, using digital technologies, and engaging in various community initiatives.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism


Joint development of cross-border cycling tourism along EuroVelo 13 - HUSRB/23R/22/067

OPTI-BIKE 3 develops sustainable cross-border cycling tourism in the Hungary-Serbia region by constructing over 5 km of new routes, connecting EuroVelo 13, and creating a tourism brand. Activities include service points, festivals, a mobile app, and a promo film, promoting eco-tourism, cultural heritage, and healthy lifestyles.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism


Transnational Cultural Mosaic: Unifying Global Expressions - HUSRB/23R/22/059

The MOSAIC project fosters contemporary arts in the Hungarian-Serbian region through artist residencies, professional workshops, joint performances, and cultural events. It strengthens regional identity, promotes new media skills, and encourages collaboration, enhancing cultural competencies and sustainable artistic promotion.

1st Call for Proposals

Priority 3: Cross-border institutional and civil cooperation

CB Basket III

Basketball games continues cross the border - HUSRB/23S/31/018

CB Basket III strengthens cross-border ties between basketball organizations from Hódmezővásárhely and Subotica. It promotes team spirit, fair play, and youth exchanges while supporting healthy lifestyles and equal opportunities. By engaging youth, families, and authorities, the project fosters community connections and addresses social issues as well.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.1: Education and lifelong learning


Football across border and more - HUSRB/23S/31/040

The project promotes youth cooperation in the Hungary-Serbia border area through joint sports activities, green initiatives, and infrastructure upgrades. Over 330 participants will engage in football camps, tournaments, and family events, fostering inclusion and partnerships. Post-project, annual joint sports events will sustain cooperation.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.1: Education and lifelong learning


Establishment of a sustainable knowledge platform and enhanced institutional support for innovation methodologies and procedures of the cross-border area - HUSRB/23S/21/025

The project establishes a Cross-border Innovation HUB to connect regional actors—businesses, students, and mentors—within a knowledge-sharing platform. It promotes cooperation, builds capacities, and aligns innovation with market needs, enhancing the region's competitiveness and sustainable development.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 3.1: Harmonious neighbourly relations through cooperation


Promoting cross-border cooperation between people through tennis - HUSRB/23R/31/055

The Tennis-Coop project enhances cross-border collaboration through tennis, offering joint tournaments, youth training, and tennis events in Senta and Hódmezővásárhely. Upgrades to both clubs’ facilities will support a thriving tennis community and deepen connections between Serbian and Hungarian participants.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism


Smart Tourism: The joint future of Pannonian region - HUSRB/23R/22/004

The Smart Tourism project modernizes the Pannonian region’s tourism by creating a digital platform and SMART HUB for tailored, sustainable experiences. Integrating AI and digital tools, it boosts accessibility and promotes local culture while strengthening public-private collaboration for sustainable tourism.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 1.1: Climate change adaptation, risk prevention

NBS 4 Cities

Nature-based solutions for greening urban public spaces to widen access to ecosystem services and improve the climate adaptation capacity of local governments of the border area - HUSRB/23R/11/019

The project enhances urban climate resilience and livability by expanding green public spaces and applying nature-based solutions across border municipalities. Through NBS pilots and knowledge-sharing events, it improves ecosystem services, municipal capacities, and public climate awareness.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism


Film art for all - HUSRB/23R/22/091

This project promotes cultural growth, cooperation, inclusion, networking, and education in film art through four cultural organizations from the cross-border region, creating new events and strengthening cultural and social connections across diverse target groups.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism


Shared values - Cultural cooperation for promotion of modern and contemporary arts and culture - HUSRB/23R/22/044

The project enriches Bačka with cultural programs, revitalizing the Temerin castle park and showcasing 20th-century art. A loyalty card will promote local arts and events, offering a unique perspective on Bačka’s contemporary culture.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 1.2: Biodiversity and reduced pollution


Know it - Protect it! Joint awareness raising on environmental protection and nature conservation in the border region - HUSRB/23S/12/005

This project continues the long-term partnership of KTV and Pannon RTV to foster biodiversity awareness in the CBR. Through bilingual TV programs, storybooks, and educational tools, it seeks to build public understanding of sustainable practices for shared natural resources.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism


Border that unites us - HUSRB/23R/22/018

The project strengthens European identity in the CB region by fostering collaboration between cultural and educational institutions. By celebrating Bačka’s heritage, it promotes pride in the region’s shared European and local roots through diverse scientific and cultural programs.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 1.1: Climate change adaptation, risk prevention


Innovative green foliar treatment solutions supported by advanced analytics for cross-border ecological agriculture - HUSRB/23S/11/027

FERTILEAVES advances eco-friendly, leaf-level biofortification technology, merging biology and nanotechnology for sustainable agriculture. This pilot strengthens cross-border collaboration, addresses climate change, and promotes biodiversity, supporting EU goals for a toxic-free environment.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 3.1: Harmonious neighbourly relations through cooperation


Local people and local products without borders - HUSRB/23S/31/038

Cross-border institutional and civil cooperation through harmonious neighbourhood relations and cooperation.
The project aims to strengthen the exchange of experience between social enterprises and local product producers.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 1.2: Biodiversity and reduced pollution


Joint Actions Involving Volunteers and Raising Public Awareness for the Protection of the Birds of Pannonian Grasslands - HUSRB/23S/12/043

This joint project by MME/BirdLife Hungary and the Serbian Ornithological Society aims to protect natural grasslands and endangered bird species by raising awareness, involving volunteers in conservation efforts, and facilitating the exchange of expertise between partners.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 3.1: Harmonious neighbourly relations through cooperation


PP Youth helpers - HUSRB/23S/31/016

The project aims at the prevention of youth peer violence, through training and awareness-raising by disseminating a methodological manual. We will develop the methodology, which will be evaluated in the process and the feedback will be incorporated into the material.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 1.1: Climate change adaptation, risk prevention


Telemedicine across borders - HUSRB/23R/31/050

This project aims to improve healthcare quality and addresses the cross-national shortages of medical specialists. The goal is to utilize the already established telemedicine infrastructure at the University of Szeged and expand its reach to Senta Hospital for the treatment of metabolic syndrome and ENT (ear, nose, and throat) problems.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 1.1: Climate change adaptation, risk prevention


StrengThening Organizations in the Protection against FIRES - HUSRB/23R/11/086

The aim of this project is to increase the resilience of the environment to climate change and risk prevention through improved fire management, emergency preparedness, and raising awareness about endangered natural areas in the cross-border region, with a special emphasis on the Subotica and Kiskunság Sands area.



1st Call for Proposals

Objective 3.1: Harmonious neighbourly relations through cooperation


Equestrian sport events across the border - HUSRB/23R/31/010

The project fosters cross-border cooperation and promotes equestrian sports and carriage driving, focusing on youth. It strengthens ties between Hungarian and Serbian equestrian organizations through events that blend culture, tourism, and traditional sports. The initiative benefits local citizens, tourists, and young athletes, enhancing regional visibility and sports engagement.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 1.2: Biodiversity and reduced pollution


Wastewater treatment cross-border cooperation by Tisa river - HUSRB/23R/12/047

The project aims to protect the Tisza River by reducing pollution from wastewater. Equipment upgrades and monitoring improvements, along with cross-border cooperation and a shared database, will enhance wastewater management across regions in Hungary and Serbia.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.1: Education and lifelong learning


Cooperation of after-school progams for disadvantaged and Roma students - HUSRB/23S/21/036

This project packed with workshops, a 2-day expert meetings, a conference and a study-trip, deals with exchange of experiences in working with disadvantaged and Roma children through after-school programs.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 1.1: Climate change adaptation, risk prevention


Planting forest strips to preserve biodiversity - HUSRB/23R/11/052

The project aims to reduce soil erosion and desertification from climate change by creating windbreaks along agricultural roads in Senta and Tompa. Activities include farmer workshops, cadastral surveys, a 10,000-meter windbreak forest strip, and eco-education, promoting sustainable land use.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 3.1: Harmonious neighbourly relations through cooperation


Swimming across the border - HUSRB/23S/31/006

A SWIMLAB támogatja a fiatalok úszásban való edzését és versenyzését, a sportág tömeges népszerűsítését, a határokon átnyúló együttműködést és az edzőképzést. Makói támogatással bemutatja a búvárkodást Szerbiában, erős, tartós partneri kapcsolatokat hoz létre Magyarország és Szerbia között, valamint elősegíti a fiatalok tehetségét és a közösségi részvételt.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism

Folk culture and more

Folk culture: the great tradition - HUSRB/23S/31/008

This project aims to strengthen community ties by presenting, preserving, and sharing local traditions, mostly focusing on youth and disadvantaged groups. 

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 3.1: Harmonious neighbourly relations through cooperation

Inter Pingpong in schools

Continuation of a cross-border school table tennis program with the participation of students with, and without disabilities - HUSRB/23S/31/002

The project expands the "Inter Pingpong" project to schools in Senta, Szeged, and Horgoš, engaging table tennis players of all levels, including those with disabilities. Through school demonstrations, sports days, and tournaments, we aim to popularize table tennis and strengthen youth engagement across borders.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 3.1: Harmonious neighbourly relations through cooperation


GenerACTION: Connecting Youth for Empowered Change - HUSRB/23S/31/047

The project about building mutual trust among organizatons dealing with generations X, Y and ALFA. Organizing P2p activities, overcoming generation gaps, sharing experiences... 

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 1.2: Biodiversity and reduced pollution


MInimizing CROssborder water contamination of microPLASTICS - HUSRB/23R/12/089

The MICROPLASTICS project targets water pollution reduction by identifying microplastic sources and improving ecosystem protection. Efforts include monitoring, filtration testing, and awareness activities in the cross-border region, supporting sustainable, long-term environmental preservation.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.1: Education and lifelong learning


The magic of inclusion - HUSRB/23S/31/011

The project aims to enhance opportunities for children with autism and other disabilities by developing inclusive education together. It focuses on building individual skills, increasing opportunities, and fostering acceptance. Training for professionals and public awareness efforts will support these inclusive goals.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 1.1: Climate change adaptation, risk prevention


Climate Smart Soil for ZERO-CARBON farms - HUSRB/23S/11/034

The project strengthens climate resilience in the border region by increasing knowledge of climate impacts on agriculture and strategies for adaptation and mitigation. Joint efforts will support sustainable soil use, reduce carbon footprint, and promote improved environmental performance in the program area.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 3.1: Harmonious neighbourly relations through cooperation


Light Borders in DKMT - HUSRB/23S/31/032

The project aims to streamline the Hungary-Serbia border crossing with improved infrastructure and procedures. By gathering local input and fostering cooperation among HU-RS stakeholders, we enhance decision-making and develop efficient cross-border points, ensuring smoother and long-term transit.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism


Parks4All: Empowering Hungarian and Serbian Cultural Scenes for Sustainable Tourism in Public Green Spaces - HUSRB/23R/22/076

Over the next 24 months, 36 young cultural managers and artists from two countries will unite through 19 innovative and inclusive events in public green spaces. Activities include 4 trainings, 2 study visits, 4 artistic residencies, 4 festivals, a closing conference, and a manual for organizing events.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 1.1: Climate change adaptation, risk prevention


Be Aware of the Problem - Be Part of the Solution! - HUSRB/23S/11/048

The project aims to raise awareness of general public about the causes and consequences of the climate change, increase their capacities through education and by promoting the transition to a climate-neutral economy and a society resistant to climate change, in order to improve the wellbeing of people, the economy and the environment. 

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 1.1: Climate change adaptation, risk prevention


Alternative Responses to Climate Change Adaptation for Small-Scale Producers Focusing on Complex Economic, Environmental and Social Approach Through the Entire Value Chain - HUSRB/23R/11/008

The ARCCHAD project proposes an innovative, multi-stakeholder approach to address climate change issues. It aims to support small-scale farmers with alternative solutions, such as modern technologies, diversifying activities, forming collaborative communities, or raising stakeholder awareness.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 1.1: Climate change adaptation, risk prevention


Joint Adaptation and Mitigation Measures to Climate Change Supporting Integrated Water Management on the Tisa River - HUSRB/23R/11/006

The ADAPTisa project develops an Integrated Water Management Platform for the Tisa River, utilizing innovative tools and strengthening cooperation among water and disaster management stakeholders to better adapt to extreme weather and mitigate hydrological risks.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.1: Education and lifelong learning

Feeding Future

Feeding the Future: Empowering Food Science Professionals through Lifelong Learning for Bridging Borders - HUSRB/23R/21/046

In accordance with the need for lifelong learning, the Feeding Future project focuses to the development of direct trainings through a complete educational program and work-based training for our main target groups: students and inspiring entrepreneurs. 

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 1.2: Biodiversity and reduced pollution


Developing Sustainable Solutions for the Restoration of Local Ecosystems Through Pioneer Use of Discharged Thermal Waters - HUSRB/23S/12/020

The SPArrow project aims to sustainably revitalize the soda lakes and pans in the cross-border Homokhátság region. By using renewable thermal water resources, we will restore these unique, vulnerable habitats and enhance biodiversity, ensuring a sustainable future for this precious ecosystem.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism


Dance Concept for Touristic Purposes - HUSRB/23S/22/045

The DanceTour project revitalizes tourism with a dynamic campaign featuring films, social media, a film festival, and youth camps. Showcasing Serbian and Hungarian folk dances, it unites cultures, enhances cross-border cooperation, and highlights the region's rich heritage, making it a vibrant destination.

1st Call for Proposals

Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism


Future Of The Past - Learning from our Culture for a Sustainable Future - HUSRB/23R/22/065

To explore and share knowledge from past experiences and traditions supporting sustainability, involving a wider audience on both sides of the border. To pass on seemingly forgotten knowledge to future generations in an entertaining way as a folk cultural asset.