Objective 1.2: Biodiversity and reduced pollution
The SPArrow project aims to sustainably revitalize the soda lakes and pans in the cross-border Homokhátság region. By using renewable thermal water resources, we will restore these unique, vulnerable habitats and enhance biodiversity, ensuring a sustainable future for this precious ecosystem.
Acronym: SPArrow
Project Title: Developing Sustainable Solutions for the Restoration of Local Ecosystems Through Pioneer Use of Discharged Thermal Waters
Project ID: HUSRB/23S/12/020
Total Project budget: EUR 199 994.20
EU contribution (IPA): EUR 169 995.07
Start Date: 01 June 2024
End Date: 30 November 2025
Lead Partner: Local Government of Morahalom (HU)
Other Partners:
Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad (RS)
The project focuses on finding a sustainable way to the revitalization of vulnerable and rare soda lakes and pans in the Homokhátság region with the use of discharged and filtered thermal water.
These unique habitats have suffered from significant anthropogenic impacts over the centuries, leading to the loss of many soda pans due to drainage, pollution, and alteration. By identifying sustainable practices, the project seeks to plan the restoration ensuring long-term ecological and societal benefits.
By preparing the revival and preservation these ecosystems, the project directly contributes to the protection and promotion of biodiversity in the area. The SPArrow project aims to promote nature-based solutions to minimize harmful impacts on these sensitive ecosystems.
The Birds and Habitats Directives are key pieces of legislation aimed at protecting and conserving Europe's natural habitats and species. The SPArrow project directly contributes to the implementation of these directives by working towards the conservation and restoration of soda lakes and pans.
The project examines the feasibility and aims to find the safe methods of using discharged thermal water to maintain soda lakes and to revitalise soda pans.