
Pregled ugovorenih projekata za svaki od do sada dostupnih Poziva za podnošenje predloga projekata, u okviru Interreg VI-A IPA Mađarska - Srbija programa.

Javni poziv za prikupljanje predloga projekata

Objective 1.1: Climate change adaptation, risk prevention


Be Aware of the Problem - Be Part of the Solution! - HUSRB/23S/11/048

Opšti cilj projekta je podizanje svesti šire javnosti o uzrocima i posledicama klimatskih promena, povećanje  kapacitete ciljnih grupa kroz edukacije i promovisanje tranzicije ka klimatski neutralnoj ekonomiji i društvu otpornom na klimatske promene u cilju poboljšanja blagostanja ljudi, privrede i životne sredine.

Javni poziv za prikupljanje predloga projekata

Objective 1.2: Biodiversity and reduced pollution


Developing Sustainable Solutions for the Restoration of Local Ecosystems Through Pioneer Use of Discharged Thermal Waters - HUSRB/23S/12/020

The SPArrow project aims to sustainably revitalize the soda lakes and pans in the cross-border Homokhátság region. By using renewable thermal water resources, we will restore these unique, vulnerable habitats and enhance biodiversity, ensuring a sustainable future for this precious ecosystem.

Javni poziv za prikupljanje predloga projekata

Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism


Future Of The Past - Learning from our Culture for a Sustainable Future - HUSRB/23R/22/065

To explore and share knowledge from past experiences and traditions supporting sustainability, involving a wider audience on both sides of the border. To pass on seemingly forgotten knowledge to future generations in an entertaining way as a folk cultural asset.