Objective 1.2: Biodiversity and reduced pollution

Know it - Protect it ! Joint awareness raising on environmental protection and nature conservation in the border region

The project aims at raising awareness in biodiversity and reduction of pollution and promoting effective communication to contribute common understanding of the sustainable development by continuing the long term (since 2011) harmonic co-operation between the Hungarian KTV and the Serbian PannonRTV

Basic Data:

Akronim: forFUTURE

Naziv projekta: Know it - Protect it ! Joint awareness raising on environmental protection and nature conservation in the border region

Identifikacioni broj projekta: HUSRB/23S/12/005

Ukupan budžet projekta: EUR 234 812.08

Iznos sredstava Evropske unije (IPA): EUR 199 590.26

Početak projekta: 01 март 2024

Kraj projekta: 31 август 2025

Vodeći korisnik: Televizija Kečkemet neprofitno doo (HU)

Ostali Partneri: 

P1: Fondacija "Panonija" (RS)


Email: pasztoremilia@tolna.net

Project Description:

Nature conservation cannot be inherited, we must do for it. We must do so that people in today's society, which has long been separated from nature, realize that the harmony of nature is an essential element of a harmonious human existence. Kecskemét TV and Pannon TV with their cooperation have been serving this mission since 2011.

They choose the most difficult mission, to change significantly the attitude of people to common natural values of the CBR, offer them factual and scientific information on sustainable use of natural heritage and show them good example how to employ the information in practice. They want to reach this purpose with 35 jointly made bi-lingual television nature magazine series of 20 minutes and regularly presented on both TV in every second Saturday evening at 7 pm. Besides they create tale books, thematic board games for youngsters to help the work of educators and teachers or either the parents. 

(Expected) Results:

  • Television Series

- 35 bilingual, 20-minute nature programs on biodiversity and pollution reduction in the CBR, airing biweekly

  • Community Engagement Events

- 10 public events: 8 outdoor programs, 2 book shows

  • Educational Materials

- 1 Hungarian storybook, 1 Hungarian-Serbian storybook, 1 activity booklet, and 1 Hungarian-Serbian board game on CBR endangered species

  • Sustainability and Longevity

- Continuation of the Nature Protection Without Borders series with two additional partners, maintaining high community interest since 2011
- Free distribution of educational materials to underserved Hungarian and Serbian schools, and upload of episodes to YouTube for wider access