
Pregledajte i preuzmite dostupna programska dokumenta, prezentacije, javne pozive i druge relevantane materijale

13. Mart 2024.

Programski dokumenti

Transmission of Data

According to Article 32 ETC Regulation (EU) 2021/1059 on European territorial cooperation (Interreg), the programmes are obliged to release periodical updates of the financial data known as Transmission of Data. You can find the quarterly updates of the document below:

Transmission of Data - version 2022 12

Transmission of Data - version 2023 03

Transmission of Data - version 2023 06

Transmission of Data - version 2023 09

Transmission of Data - version 2023 12

Transmission of Data - version 2024 03

30. Novembar 2023.

Programski dokumenti

Anti-fraud strategy of the MA and anti-fraud policy mission statement

Anti-fraud strategy of the managing authority anti-fraud policy mission statement (MA) of the INTERREG VI-A IPA Hungary Serbia Programme

16. Avgust 2023.

Programski dokumenti

GDPR - Data protection and data processing policy

Please find here the Data protection and data processing policy for the operation of the Interreg VI-A IPA Hungary-Serbia Programme (GDPR). This document is available only in English language.

Data protection and data processing policy

7. Jun 2023.

Tender packages

Single tender documentation - EN (2023, 1st CfP)

The documentation linked here, is obligatory for use in cases when preparation service activities are planned within the Partners budgets, of our 1st Call for Proposals publsihed on 4 May 2023. This single tender documentation is also to be considered as final, for the implementation of the future contracted projects. The eventual updated versions will be published here.

SERVICES Single tender package EN (June_2023)

8. Maj 2023.

Prijavni paket - Prvi javni poziv

Kedvezményezetti tájékoztató - samo za aplikante iz Mađarske

Informacije za partnerske organizacije iz Mađarske koje svojim projektima apliciraju u okviru 1. Javnog poziva za prikupljanje predloga projekata Interreg VI–A IPA programa Mađarska–Srbija (dokument dostupan samo na mađarskom jeziku).
Kedvezményezetti tájékoztató

18. April 2023.

MC dokumenti

Dokumenti Nadzornog odbora (MC documents)

Opšti MC dokumenti:

Poslovnik rada (Rules of Procedure - RoP) /eng/

Sastav Nadzornog odbora


Dokumenti vezani za 1. sastanak Nadzornog odbora (Segedin, 22. februar 2023):

Sažetak 1. sastanka Nadzornog odbora /eng/

1. sastanak Nadzornog odbora - stanje implementacije Programa /eng/ 


Dokumenti vezani za 2. sastanak Nadzornog odbora (on-line, 20. oktobar 2023):

Sažetak 2. sastanka Nadzornog odbora /eng/

2. sastanak Nadzornog odbora - stanje implementacije Programa /eng/ 


Dokumenti vezani za 3. sastanak Nadzornog odbora (Novi Sad, 27. februar 2024):

Sažetak 3. sastanka Nadzornog odbora /eng/

3. sastanak Nadzornog odbora - stanje implementacije Programa /eng/ 

3. sastanak Nadzornog odbora - lista odabranih aplikacija 1.poziva /eng/ 

5. April 2023.

Prijavni paket - Prvi javni poziv

1. Javni poziv - Aplikacioni paket (dostupan samo na engleskom jeziku)

The official 1st Call for Proposals PDF document is available here:



The APPLICATION PACKAGE for the 1st CfP is comprised of the following documents:

  • Guidelines for Applicants – the basic document of the application package; holds all the most important information and details regarding the call for proposals.
  • Annex I: Declaration by the applicants – a general declaration obligatory for all applicants.
  • Annex II: De minimis declaration by the applicants – a declaration regarding De minimis obligatory for all applicants.
  • Annex III: Eligibility of expenditures – a document that defines the eligibility rules of expenditures for applicants - also includes Procurement rules as Appendix B.
  • Annex IV: Indicator guide – a detailed explanation of programme-level indicators.
  • Annex V: Visibility manual – a manual describing Programme’s brand standards, requirements and rules of usage of its elements. The Visibility manual also contains description of simplified cost options for info and publicity packages.
  • Annex VI: User manuals of the INTERREG+Application modules  – a detailed description of the way to submit the application within the INTERREG+ system - two manuals, one for LSP Concept note application and the other for Full application module (for SSP, RSP and full application of LSP).

The package also contains annexes that are not necessary for the application process but will be necessary at the contracting phase:

  • Draft Subsidy Contract for EU Contribution (includes General Terms and Conditions)
  • Draft Partnership Agreement

Download the listed documents one by one here. The nature of the two latest updates are listed at the end of this article.

HUSRB VI-A 1st CfP Guidelines for applicants - UPDATED 08 February 2024
HUSRB VI-A 1st CfP Annex I - Declarations by the applicants - UPDATED 13 July 2023
HUSRB VI-A 1st CfP Annex II - De minimis declaration by the applicants
HUSRB VI-A 1st CfP Annex III - Eligibility of expenditures - UPDATED 13 July 2023
HUSRB VI-A 1st CfP Annex IV - Indicator guide
HUSRB VI-A 1st CfP Annex V - Visibility manual

HUSRB VI-A Subsidy Contract
HUSRB VI-A Subsidy Contract - General Terms and Conditions
HUSRB VI-A Partnership Agreement - Draft

You can also downolad the full Application package in ZIP format, here:


In addition, please find the User manuals of the INTERREG+ Application module:

HUSRB VI-A User Manual of INTERREG+ Full Application

HUSRB VI-A User Manual of INTERREG+ LSP Concept note


Please find here the presentations from the InfoDays of May 2023:

InfoDays 2023 - presentations.pdf


Furthermore, here is the INTERREG+ video tutorial:

INTERREG+ video tutorial (full HD)


Notes, 13 July 2023: 

The nature of the updates made on 13 July 2023 is technical. Please find below the list of changes:

HUSRB VI-A 1st CfP Annex I - Declarations by the applicants
-    1.3 (General stipulations) – Roles of institutions changed regarding GDPR regulation.
-    3 (Declaration on VAT status) – Added that recoverable VAT is not eligible in case a project is concerned by state aid.

HUSRB VI-A 1st CfP Guidelines for applicants
-    11.3 (Approval of data management / Privacy policy) – Roles of institutions changed regarding GDPR regulation (same as in Annex I).

HUSRB VI-A 1st CfP Annex III - Eligibility of Expenditures
-    3.1 (Staff costs) – Following sentence is deleted as it is not a must to have external project management: „It means that the above flat rate percentages shall in every case cover both internal and external project management costs.”
-    3.1 (Staff costs) – Requirements on declaration to be submitted for Partner reports are changed, demanding that the Partner organisation must have at least one employee.


Notes, 20 October 2023: 

HUSRB VI-A 1st CfP Call for proposals and 

HUSRB VI-A 1st CfP Guidelines for applicants

updated due to moving the deadline for LSP full application to 19 February 2024, 15h. 


Notes, 08 February 2024:

HUSRB VI-A 1st CfP Call for proposals and 

HUSRB VI-A 1st CfP Guidelines for applicants

updated due to moving the deadline for LSP full application to 11 March 2024, 15h and allowing an extra partner (7th) for LSP in duly justified case

29. Mart 2023.

Programski dokumenti

Adopted Interreg Programme document for Interreg VI-A IPA Hungary Serbia Programme

Ovde možete pronaći Interreg Program (IP - programski dokument) za Interreg VI-A IPA program između Mađarske i Srbije koji je Evropska komisija odobrila 14 oktobra 2022:

Интеррег VI-A ИПА Мађарска Србија (ИП)

Interreg VI-A IPA Hungary Serbia (IP)

Interreg VI-A IPA Magyarország-Szerbia (IP)


28. Mart 2023.

Programski dokumenti

Izveštaj o uticaju na životnu sredinu (SEA) za 2021-2027

Strateška procena uticaja na životnu sredinu (Strategic Environmental Assessment) za Interreg VI-A IPA program između Mađarske i Srbije, na tri jezika:




28. Mart 2023.

Programski dokumenti

“Do no significant harm" Report for the Interreg VI-A IPA Hungary-Serbia Programme

"Do no significant harm" Report for the Interreg VI-A IPA Hungary-Serbia Programme prepared in parallel to the Interreg Programme document for the next 2021-2027 programme.

Do no significant harm, document