Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism

Incredible Destination Events Part 2

Using creative industries and innovative tools, IDE 2 project will increase the tourist offer, visibility and attractiveness of Novi Sad and The Ópusztaszer National Heritage Park by inviting young people and music fans to gain a new experience in EXIT Museum and discover new events - Sunset Picnic.

Basic Data:

Akronim: IDE2

Naziv projekta: Incredible Destination Events Part 2

Identifikacioni broj projekta: HUSRB/23R/22/068

Ukupan budžet projekta: EUR 613 405.80

Iznos sredstava Evropske unije (IPA): 521394,93

Početak projekta: 01 јул 2024

Kraj projekta: 30 јун 2026

Vodeći korisnik: Foundation EXIT

Ostali Partneri: 

Ópusztaszer National Heritage Park


Email: milos.milosevic@exit-festival.org

Project Description:

Incredible Destination Events Part 2 is a project led by EXIT Foundation in partnership with The Ópusztaszer National Heritage Park (ONTE) that lasts from July 2024 to July 2026. It builds upon huge success of the previous IDE project and continues to raise visibility and recognition of touristic destinations and cultural heritage in cross border region of Hungary and Serbia. New cultural and touristic product - EXIT Museum, i.e. EXIT House will be created in Serbia and two events - Sunset Picnic - will be organized in ONTE  utilizing the significant cultural and touristic potential of the region through the synergy of youth, tourism and creative industry, cultural heritage and contemporary art. Using creative industries and innovative tools, the project will increase the tourist offer, visibility and attractiveness of the mentioned destinations by inviting new tourists, primarily young people and music fans to gain a new museum experience and discover new events.

(Expected) Results:

Under IDE II, EXIT Museum, a new touristic content and unique cultural experience - EXIT 365 days in a year, will be opened in Novi Sad, while the Sunset Picnic event in ONTE will be further developed since it has been launched in pilot version during previous IDE project. Both will continue to exist after project completion.  Besides this, launching event for the opening of the EXIT Museum and two music events as the Sunset Picnic in ONTE will be mutually supported by both cross-border project partners. The estimation is that more than 120.000 visitors will attend these events. In addition, two partner organizations will further strengthen cooperation using proven tools and methods already established on previously implemented project. Volunteers, mainly young persons will be engaged in the realization of the events and other public project activities, specifically in the activity Civilian village that will include Roma men and women, persons with disabilities, young persons at risk of social exclusion and many other vulnerable groups with direct contribution through artistic and performance works to the project events. Social media channels will be intensively used during the project to reach a wide audience. IDE online platform, established and designed through the previous project, will be upgraded to enhance promotion and visibility, and the expected reach of content on digital media channels is app. 1,8 million people.