Objective 2.2: Culture and tourism

Folk culture: the great tradition

This project aims to strengthen community ties by presenting, preserving, and sharing local traditions, mostly focusing on youth and disadvantaged groups. 

Basic Data:

Acronym: Folk culture and more

Project Title: Folk culture: the great tradition

Project ID: HUSRB/23S/31/008

Total Project budget: EUR 167 517

EU contribution (IPA): EUR 142 389.45

Start Date: 01 July 2024

End Date: 31 October 2025

Lead Partner: "ANTROPOS" Mental Hygiene Association (RS)

Other Partners: 

 Sükösdi Óvodásokért Alapítvány (HU)

 Hungarian cultural association "Palić" (RS)


Email: dencst@gmail.com

Project Description:

The project's main goal is to strengthen community ties by presenting, preserving, and sharing local traditions. The starting point for the project was the fact that the local traditions of individual communities and the preservation of their cultural heritage are being undermined by digitalization, as young people spend too much of their time on social networks. All three partners aim to protect cultural and natural heritage, engaging local residents, especially youth and disadvantaged groups, through organized activities. Programs will involve the common target group in newly developed initiatives. 

(Expected) Results:

As a result of joint planning, implementation, funding, and management based on existing relationships, close cooperation between team members, performers and craftspeople, schoolchildren, young generations, and families will be developed. The project has two main and well-defined outputs:

  • involvement of young people in cultural and traditional events,
  • development of traditional folk culture, in which adult tradition keepers/preservers will be particularly involved.