Objective 3.1: Harmonious neighbourly relations through cooperation
The project about building mutual trust among organizatons dealing with generations X, Y and ALFA. Organizing P2p activities, overcoming generation gaps, sharing experiences...
Acronym: GenerACTION
Project Title: GenerACTION: Connecting Youth for Empowered Change
Project ID: HUSRB/23S/31/047
Total Project budget: EUR 170 685.40
EU contribution (IPA): EUR 145 082.59
Start Date: 01 June 2024
End Date: 31 May 2025
Lead Partner: Alternatíva Association (HU)
Other Partners:
P1: Association “Pronađi Osmeh” (RS)
The GenerACTION project aims to build mutual trust between youth organizations, institutions, and the target generations Y, Z, and ALFA. This will be achieved through stimulating peer-to-peer (P2P) activities to better understand the specific needs of these groups. The project aims to address the generational gap between youth organizations (Generation Y and X) professionals and their target group - young people of generations Y, Z and Alpha, facilitating more effective and responsive services for youth.
Further objectives include building cross-border links between sectors related to youth, acquiring tools to map good practices, organizing cross-border events to exchange experiences, and compiling a publication and digital platform for sharing successful stories.
(Expected) Results:Investments in the modernization of NGO organizations:
Organizing events to foster cross-border cooperation:
Organizing study visits and festivals across the borders:
Development of an interactive digital platform and methodological publication: