Objective 3.1: Harmonious neighbourly relations through cooperation

GenerACTION: Connecting Youth for Empowered Change

The project about building mutual trust among organizatons dealing with generations X, Y and ALFA. Organizing P2p activities, overcoming generation gaps, sharing experiences... 

Basic Data:

Acronym: GenerACTION

Project Title: GenerACTION: Connecting Youth for Empowered Change

Project ID: HUSRB/23S/31/047

Total Project budget: EUR 170 685.40

EU contribution (IPA): EUR 145 082.59

Start Date: 01 June 2024

End Date: 31 May 2025

Lead Partner: Alternatíva Association (HU)

Other Partners: 

P1: Association “Pronađi Osmeh” (RS)


Email: szokolai06@gmail.com

Project Description:

The GenerACTION project aims to build mutual trust between youth organizations, institutions, and the target generations Y, Z, and ALFA. This will be achieved through stimulating peer-to-peer (P2P) activities to better understand the specific needs of these groups. The project aims to address the generational gap between professionals working in youth organizations (Generation Y and X) and their target group - young people of generations Y, Z and Alpha, facilitating more effective and responsive services for youth.
Further objectives include building cross-border links between sectors related to youth, acquiring tools to map good practices, organizing cross-border events to exchange experiences, and compiling a publication and digital platform for sharing successful stories.

(Expected) Results:

  • Organizing events to foster cross-border cooperation
  • Investmens in modernization of NGO organizations
  • Organizing study visits and festivals accross the borders
  • Development of an interactive digital platform