Objective 1.1: Climate change adaptation, risk prevention

Be Aware of the Problem - Be Part of the Solution!

The project aims to raise awareness of general public about the causes and consequences of the climate change, increase their capacities through education and by promoting the transition to a climate-neutral economy and a society resistant to climate change, in order to improve the wellbeing of people, the economy and the environment. 

Basic Data:

Acronym: 2B

Project Title: Be Aware of the Problem - Be Part of the Solution!

Project ID: HUSRB/23S/11/048

Total Project budget: EUR 185 688.98

EU contribution (IPA): EUR 157 835

Start Date: 01 June 2024

End Date: 30 November 2025

Lead Partner: Open University Subotica Ltd. (RS)

Other Partners: 

P1: CSEMETE Association of Nature and Environmental Protection (HU)

P2: Vackor Environment and Nature Protection Organization (HU)


Email: csillan@openunsubotica.rs

Project Description:

The project aims to raise awareness of general public about the causes and consequences of the climate change and increase capacities through education and by promoting the transition to a climate-neutral economy and a society resistant to climate change, in order to improve the wellbeing of people, the economy and the environment. Planned activities will increase the individual's preparedness for the consequences of climate change and provide knowledge on how they can contribute to reduce its harmful impact.

Target groups:

  • Agricultural producers for whom we will create training programs, specialized TV programs and organize study visits in order to adapt their production to climate change,
  • Inhabitants for whom we will create public campaigns and workshops in order to increase their awareness,
  • Teachers who will attend our educational program and learn to implement the gained knowledge in their everyday work,
  • Students who will attend our educational program and watch information-education video spots and increase their preparedness for the consequences of climate change,
  • NGOs who will participate in panel discussions and exchange their good practice

(Expected) Results:

  • 4 education booklet and program
  • 2 study visits for farmers
  • 2 panel discussions for NGOs
  • 10 special TV programs for farmers and 20 informative-education video spots for young people
  • Jointly created information campaign implemented on 15 events in the CB region

Expected results that contribute to the long-term benefit of target groups and CB regions:

  • R1: Educated target group members in CB region through joint and individual activities
  • R2: Informed general public of the CB region through joint and individual public campaigns
  • R3: Created educational and informative special TV programs and video spots
  • R4: Informed general and professional public about the aim, activities and results of the project
  • R5: Strengthened cooperation between project partners