Objective 3.1: Harmonious neighbourly relations through cooperation

Light Borders in DKMT

The objective of the project is to make the HU-SRB border easier to pass through. It has two aspects, the infrastructural crossing option and the border crossing procedure. Channelling, collecting, formulating the opinions and ideas of local residents, local governments helps decision-makers in the development of CB infrastructure. Information about the circumstances of border crossing serves the development of CB points. Cooperation among HU-SRB relevant actors in infrastructure development can be long-term.

Basic Data:

Rövidítés: LBDKMT

A projekt címe: Light Borders in DKMT

Projektazonosító: HUSRB/23S/31/032

Elkülönített forrásösszeg: EUR 230 450.60

Európai Uniós hozzájárulás (IPA): EUR 195883,01

A projekt kezdete: 05 április 2024

A projekt zárása: 04 október 2025

Vezető kedvezményezett: DKMT Danube-Kris-Mures-Tisa Euroregional Development Agency - Nonprofit Public Benefit Limited (HU)

Egyéb partnerek: 

  • Provincial Secretariat for Regional Development, Interregional Co-operation and Local Self-government (RS)


Email: office@dkmt.net

Project Description:

HU-SRB CB area has excellent cooperation, the further expansion and development of which is realistic, if the crossing difficulties caused by the Schengen border are resolved. The project partnership has participated in and catalyzed the development of several CB infrastructural developments, during which it was faced with the fact that there are few opportunities in an organized and structured form for the professional and settlement bodies of the border region to hold a joint consultation on the infrastructural developments supporting the border crossing. The partnership wishes to catalyze this professional exchange of ideas in this project, present it to decision-makers in a structured way, and also help the border crossing itself with various means. DKMT starts preliminary consultation and data collection with regional actors of the HU-SRB border region, in the framework of which it assesses which settlements, professional organizations and NGOs have CB development proposals, plans and ideas. Based on this consultation and data collection, interested organizations and professionals are invited to the 8 workshops. Secretariat is preparing a situation analysis study on the HU-SRB border crossings, in the framework of which theteam of experts from various fields will jointly examine current CB circumstances at all 6 CB locations at the SRB-HU border. The data about the fluctuation of the people, vehicles, waiting hours dynamics, and seasonal variations will be analyzed. Measurements will be taken on the spot, with the aim of obtaining relevant data for the actual border points. The Secretariat organizes 4 thematic workshops, in which professional organizations, settlements and NGOs working in the field of CB infrastructure development for water, rail, road and cycling will participate from the HU and SRB sides. In the framework of these workshops, they learn about and discuss their development plans, proposals, and ideas, which aim at faster access, transition and connection in the given field of expertise. After that, DKMT prepares the study based on the workshops, which presents the CB infrastructural needs of the border region in a structured, coherent and, if possible, interconnected manner. After the completion of the first version of the study, DKMT organizes 4 thematic workshops, where it presents and discusses with the experts who participated in the previous series of workshops the results of the study, the revealed connections and the speeding up of border crossing, new infrastructural CB developments. After the finalization of the study, the document will be sent to HU and SRB decision-makers.
Secretariat acquires technical devices (passport readers, desktop computers, printers) for the SRB border officials that help and speed up the border crossing process. As a result of the project, a continuous and regular communication channel will be formed between organizations interested in the development of CB infrastructure.

(Expected) Results:

Opening and closing conferences
4 thematic workshops in Vojvodina
4 tehmatic workshops in Hungary
2 studies:

  1. Situation study about the cross-border points between Serbia and Hungary
  2. Improvement possibilities of HU-SRB cross-border infrastructure

Border points equipment